Friday, May 27, 2005

get out the champagne peoplez!!!

I am at the moment very giddy over the results of American Idol. Call me a loser I don’t care but CARRIE won! Yay! Bo was completely awesome too. In fact, the entire group of finalists this year was absolutely fantastic. It was very evident in the medley these guys did with their supposed idols… Carrie sounded sooo good with that unknown group! And Constantine, Jessica Sierra and Nadia reminded me how very offended we were when they were kicked out!!! Constantine especially! Carrie and Constantine in the finals was such a good prospect but Bo really did step it up! And oh yeah, fuck off, I still think Anwar is great!!!!!


Ok, forgive me for this post! I had to do it! I’m sure not many people will know what the fuck I am talking about anyway!

Kansas Cow Indeed!!!$#%$#%

Song playin: I believe- Fantasia (i swear i did not plan it this way)

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