Tuesday, January 18, 2005

the joys of routine

I woke up this morning exhausted beyond belief. I'm sure it was just me being groggy (can blame 5 hour sleep) because after a fantastic shower and a yucky breakfast I was prepared for anything!

So I decide to check out the notes I need to print out before going for my 12pm Services Marketing class and I find out that my lecturer is sick and he has called off the class. Of course my first reaction was an overly loud whoop of delight. Who wouldn't be happy huh? However, after the first 5 glorious minutes, I felt a bit of a let down. Why you ask? Well, I was kinda waiting for class, not because it's particularly good, but because it was a sign that my life had finally settled into a routine. You see, my birthday was yesterday and since it was a Monday, I didn't do much (also coz all the fucking bacteria in the world were invading my throat). So therefore it terms of that date itself, it was a very sedate birthday. I was incredibly thankful.

It's been almost two months of getting up horrendously late, and burning absolutely useless midnight oil for inane things such as watching bad copies of, 'What Dreams May Come' and the incredible (!!) Jet Li in 'The One' and of course drinking my life into a permanent hangover.. (it's true, my headache is still going strong after a full 6 days). Well, so I was looking forward to the mundane-ness but my routine was not meant to be.

It was bought to a heart wrenching halt as I promptly jumped into bed and slept for the next couple of hours. Yay

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