My ideal (and somewhat realistic) salary at this stage of life is SG$3800. Here’s how I would split it:
CPF: $190
Rent: $600
Electricity/Water: $50
Internet: $25
Home Phone: $30
Mobile Phone: $100
Loan Payment: $300
For Mum/Sister: $500
Leisure: $1200
Savings: $500
Emergencies: $300
Oh the wishful thinking in all of this. First of all, I’m not getting paid anywhere close to $3.8k which tires me out. Secondly, saving $800? Ridiculous. Thirdly, my definition of emergency is probably withdrawing money from this fund so that I can replace it with whatever I spent the previous night on alcohol.
Oh no! I am an Alcoholic. Talking about it makes me want to have a drink. A dear friend has put this thought of drinking cold Grey Goose in my head.
Disgraceful talk.
Did I say realistic?
i guess you are doing great huh??? hahaha
guess who this is...
I think it's time for you to update your blog and stop thinking about grey geese and purple ducks, cold or otherwise.
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